Leonidas C Hutton
Born: 20 Mar 1833
Died: 06 Aug 1864
Bio: He was ___ defence of ___ Aug. 5th 1861 and ___ and the next day at ____ here his body now rests though his grave (cannot read the rest. Previous trip 2005 noted buried at Griffin, GA
Burial Row/Column: 54/19
More about Burial: Flower, Bouquet Signature - Herd, A. (Alexander) Civil War
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Leonidas C. Hutton
Leonidas C Hutton, flowers carved by Alexander Herd of Eutaw
Son of Wm Josephus and Ann Hutton who was born March 20th 18xx in Ala. He was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Having enlisted in the____ Ala Regt,and passed through the campaign into KY he was transferred to Co. B 36th Ala Reg.