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Title Description Burials Photo?
AL - American LegionThe American Legion was founded in 1919 and is primarily an association for ex-servicemen.BurialsClick
AOF - Ancient Order of ForestersAncient Order of Foresters began in England in the 18th century. Their logo includes a bow and arrow.BurialsClick
AOH - Ancient Order of HyberniansCatholic organization formed in 1836. Its purpose to promote friendhip, unity and Christian charity and preserve the spirit if Irish Nationality.BurialsClick
BLE - Brotherhood of Locomotive EngineersBrotherhood of Locomotive EngineersBurialsClick
BPOE - Benevolent Protective Order of the ElksAmerican fraternal, charitable, and service club with more than 1.1 million members. Contributor to the relief of suffering in national calamaties.BurialsClick
BSA - Boy Scouts of AmericaBoy Scouts of AmericaBurialsClick
CO - CompanyCO - Company, shown on military markers to identify the Company the soldier was associated with. E.G. 36th Ala Inf, Co B.BurialsNA
CSAConfederate States ArmyBurialsClick
CSNConfederate States NavyBurialsNA
CWVCatholic War VeteransBurialsClick
D of P - Degree of PochantasThe Degree of Pocahontas, Women's Auxiliary Improved Order of Red MenBurialsClick
DARDaughters of the American RevolutionBurialsClick
DAVDisabled American VeteransBurialsNA
DUV or DUVCWDaughters of Union Veterans of the Civil WarBurialsNA
FATAL-OESOrder of the Eastern Star - Fatal: Fairest Among Thousands, Altogether Lovely BurialsClick
FCB - Knights of PythiasFriendship, Charity, Benevolence - Knights of PythiasBurialsClick
FCL - Fraternity, Charity, Loyalty Motto used by the Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, Women's Relief Corp and Daughters of Union Veterans of the Civil War.BurialsClick
FD - Fire DepartmentFire Department -- many local fire departments mark tombstones with flag holders.BurialsClick
FF & CF F & C stands for: Freedom, Friendship, Charity, the motto for the Improved Order of Red Men - a patriotic fraternity Chartered by Congress. BurialsClick
FLT - Friendship, Love and Truth (IOOF)Friendship, Love and Truth (Independent Order of the Odd Fellows)BurialsClick
FLT-R Friendship, Love, Truth. IOOF - Rebekah Friendship, Love, Truth - Rebekah. Daughters of Rebekah (DR) are the Lady's Auxiliary of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.BurialsClick
FNDOZBTKC MR AYEmblem of a little known Masonic degree called the Mason's Wife or Mason's Daughter. Fear Not, daughter of Zion; Behold, thy King cometh.BurialsClick
GARGrand Army of the RepublicBurialsClick
GSA - Girl Scouts of AmericaGirl Scouts of AmericaBurialsNA
HTWSSTKSAcronym for "Hiram the Widows Son Sent to King Solomon" and is found on a keystone of Royal Arch Masons.BurialsClick
IHSIHS or in hoc signo vinces: In this sign thou shalt conquer. Latin anagram for "In Hac Salus", which means "in this cross is salvation"BurialsClick
INF - InfantryInfantryBurialsClick
INRI - Iesus Nazarenus Rex IudaeorumLatin translation: "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews"BurialsClick
IOOF - Independent Order of the Odd FellowsOdd Fellows are also known as "The Three Link Fraternity" which stands for Friendship, Love and Truth. See also FLT and FLT-R. BurialsClick
IORM - Improved Order of Red MenImproved Order of Red Men - a Patriotic Fraternity Chartered by Congress with "Freedom" as its foundation. Also see T.O.T.E.BurialsClick
JWV - Jewish War VeteransJewish War Veterans of AmericaBurialsClick
K of C - Knights of ColumbusThe Knights of Columbus is a Catholic men's fraternal and insurance order that was formed to render financial aid to members and their families.BurialsClick
K of H - Knights of HonorA fraternal organization founded in 1873 that cares for the sick.BurialsClick
KDVAKorean Defense Veterans of AmericaBurialsNA
KMKnights of MaltaBurialsNA
KOTM - Knights of the MaccabeesKnights of the Maccabees, KOTMM - Knights of the Modern Maccabees. The group shortened it name to the "Maccabees" in 1914. BurialsClick
KP or K of P - Knights of PythiasKnights of PythiasBurialsClick
KT - Knights TemplarChristian-oriented fraternal organization and an integral part of the Masonic Fraternity.BurialsClick
KVAKorean Veterans of AmericaBurialsClick
LGARLadies of the Grand Army of the RepublicBurialsNA
Lion - Lions ClubLions Club International has nearly 1.4 million members in 193 countries and geographic areas answer the needs that challenge the communities.BurialsClick
LOM - Loyal Order of MooseLoyal Order of the MooseBurialsClick
LOTMLadies of the MaccabeesBurialsNA
LT JGLieutenant Junior GradeBurialsNA
M.T.A. 3 Vs The Mosaic Templars of America (MTA), is a black fraternal organization that started in Little Rock, Arkansas in 1883.BurialsClick
MIAMissing In Action -- Soldier was reported missing -- tombstone erected in memory of the missing soldier.BurialsClick
MOLLUSMilitary Order of the Loyal Legion of the United StatesBurialsNA
MOS&BMilitary Order of the Stars and BarsBurialsNA
MSSRMonopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar - Equipment associated with the U.S. NavyBurialsClick
MTA -- Mosaic Templars of AmericaThe Mosaic Templars of America (MTA) is an African American fraternal organization offering mutual aid to the black community.BurialsClick
MWA - Modern Woodmen of AmericaModern Woodmen of America -- a Fraternal Benefit Society -- See WOW - Woodmen of the WorldBurialsClick
NALC - Natl Assoc Letter CarriersFounded in 1889, NALC is the union of city letter carriers employed by the U.S. Postal Service. BurialsClick
NLNavy LeagueBurialsNA
NSDARNational Society of the Daughters of the American RevolutionBurialsClick
OCROrder of the Confederate RoseBurialsNA
OES - Order of the Eastern StarThe symbol for the Order of the Eastern Star is a five pointed star with a pentagon in the center of the star.BurialsClick
PEOProviding Educational Opportunities. Philanthropic society providing educational opportunities for women.BurialsClick
PLEF - Pythian SistersPLEF: Purity, Love, Equality, and Fidelity. Women's auxiliary of the Knights of Pythias.BurialsClick
POWPrisoner of WarBurialsNA
RIP - Rest In PeaceRest in PeaceBurialsClick
RNA - Royal Neighbors of AmericaFounded over a century ago with an important mission: making financial security and independence a reality for women. More than 200,000 members.BurialsClick
SAL - Sons of the American LegionSons of the American LegionBurialsClick
SAR - Sons of the American RevolutionSons of the American RevolutionBurialsClick
SCV - Sons of Confederate VeteransSons of Confederate VeteransBurialsClick
SSA SSA - This one is baffling. Letters SSA on something similar to the Southern Cross of Honor, on a Union soldier's grave in Michigan.BurialsClick
SSAWV - Sons of Spanish American War VeteransSons of Spanish American War VeteransBurialsNA
SUV/SUVCW - Sons of Union Veterans of Civil WarSons of Union Veterans of the Civil WarBurialsClick
T.O.T.E. - Totem Of The EagleImproved Order of Red Men - a Patriotic Fraternity Chartered by Congress. F F & C stands for: Freedom, Friendship, Charity. BurialsClick
UCFUnited Confederate VeteransBurialsNA
UCV - United Confederate VeteransUnited Confederate Veterans Association was established in 1889 as a benevolent, historical, social, and literary association. Active 1889 to mid 1940BurialsClick
UDCUnited Daughters of the ConfederacyBurialsClick
USAUnited States ArmyBurialsClick
USAFUnited States Air ForceBurialsNA
USCGUnited States Coast GuardBurialsNA
USMCUnited States Marine CorpBurialsNA
USNUnited States NavyBurialsNA
USWV - United Spanish War Veterans United Spanish War Veterans (USWV)BurialsClick
VFWVeteran of Foreign WarsBurialsClick
VVAVietnam Veterans of AmericaBurialsClick
WCWoodmen's CircleBurialsClick
WKSCWhite Knights of the Southern Cross (KKK)BurialsNA
WOWarrant OfficerBurialsNA
WOWWoodmen of the World; can also be Women of WoodcraftBurialsClick
WRC - Womans Relief CorpsThe Woman's Relief Corp worked to relieve the sufferings of veterans of the Civil War.BurialsClick
WWIWWI - World War 1BurialsClick
WWIIWWII - World War 2, see Iconography, World War IIBurialsClick