1907 Census of Confederate Soldiers Living in Greene County Alabama
From Greene County, Alabama Court House, Census of Confederate Soldiers
1907 (spine below). Click on the soldier's name to view the original
image in a new window. Confederate veterans of Pickens County that were
born or lived in Greene can be found on the
Pickens confederate veterans page.

ABRAMS, Rufus K.; Present Post Office address:
West Greene, Ala; b 18 Nov 1843 in Newberry Dist., S.C.; first entered
the service as Private in Jun 1861 at Pensacola, Fla in Co D I Ala Regiment
and continued until Aug 1864, was then transferred to 7 Ala Cav and
continued until close of war, was paroled at Columbus, Miss in May 1865.
2. BALDWIN, Henry M.; Present Post Office address: Clinton, Ala;
b 7 May 1838 at North Colebrook in Litchfield County, Conn; first
entered the service as Private on
2 Mar 1862 at Clinton, Ala in Co B 36 Ala Reg. and continued until
captured 2 July 1864 and was discharged from U.S. Military Prison 11 Jun
3. BARTON, Ralph A.; Present Post Office address: Forkland, Ala;
b 9 Jun 1840 at Durham in Orange County, N.C.; first entered the service
as Private in May 1861 at Demopolis, Ala in Co D 11 Ala Regt and
continued until 31 May 1862 at Battle of Seven Pines and was then
transferred to Co C 2 Ala Cav and continued until the close of war, was
paroled at Forsyth, Ga. 1 May 1865. Belonged to the command that escorted
Pres. Davis from Greensboro , N.C. to Washington, Ga.
4. BIRD, Winfield Scott; Present Post Office address: Eutaw, Ala;
b 18 Oct 1839 at Canton in Cherokee County, Ga.; first entered the
service as Private in Feb 1861 at Eutaw, Ala in Eutaw Rifles and
continued two months in garrison at Ft. Morgan till the Company was discharged.
Re-enlisted as Corporal on 1 May 1861 at Eutaw, Ala in Greene County Greys No. 1 and continued until 17 Jun 1861 when Co was mustered into
Confederate Service. Re-enlisted as Private on 17 Jun 1861 at Lynchburg,
Va. in Co B 11th Ala Regt and continued until captured 16 Aug 1864 at Deep
Bottom, Va., was discharged by parole in Apr 1865. Have manuscript copy
of original Roll of Co B I1 Ala Wilcox's Brigade, Anderson's Div, and
Longstreet's Corps.
5. BIBB, George Washington; Present Post Office address: Mt.
Hebron, Ala; b 4 Nov 1839 in Madison County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private in Mar 1861 at Clinton, Ala in Co C 43 Ala Regt and
continued until close of war and was discharged by parole at Appomattox C.H., Va. , 9 Apr 1865.
6. BONDS, John C; Present Post Office address: Mantua, Ala; b 17
Mar 1846 at Mantua in Pickens County, Ala; first entered the service as
Private on 20 Oct 1862 at Mantua, Ala in Co I 40 Ala Regt and continued
until Apr 1864 when was transferred to Co C 24 Ala Regt, was captured at
Atlanta, Ga. l3 Aug 1864 and sent to Camp Chase Prison and released at
close of war in 1865. [In index under Richard C Bond]
7. BROWN, James Mack; Present Post Office address:
Union, Ala; b 22
Oct 1843 at Union in Greene County, Ala; first entered the service as
Private on 11 Sep 1861 at Eutaw, Ala in Co E 20 Ala Regt and continued
until 1862 when was wounded which unfitted me for service. Re-enlisted
as Private in Jan 1863 at Dalton, Ga. in Co E 20 Ala Regt Vol and
continued until 1 Sept 1864 when was wounded and captured at Jonesboro,
Ga., which terminated my active service and was paroled at Gainesville,
Ala in July 1865.
8. BROWN, Thomas C.; Present Post Office address: Union, Ala; b
26 Nov 1846 at Union in Greene County, Ala; first entered the service as
Private in May 1864 at Marietta, Ga. in Co E 20 Ala Regt and continued
until Apr 1865, when was discharged by parole.
9. BRUGH, William P.; Present Post Office address: Eutaw, Ala; b
7 Nov 1845 at Firecastle, Va; first entered the service as Private in Mar
1862 at Firecastle, Va. in Bowyus Battery . Re-enlisted as Private in Jun
1862 at Richmond, Va in Ritters Battery. Re-enlisted as Private in Dec
1862 at Richmond, Va in Wyatt's Battery and continued until close of war.
10. CAVNEY, John W.; Present Post Office address: Forkland, Ala;
b 12 Dec 1842 at
Port Royal in Montgomery County, Tenn.; first entered the service as
Private in Nov 1861 at Tates Station, Term in Co E 50 Tenn. Regt and
continued until the fall of Fort Donelson and was captured 16 Feb 1862.
Re-enlisted as Private in Apr 1862 at Tuscumbia, Ala in Co B with
baggage train and continued until Nov 1862 when Co disbanded at
Chattanooga, Tenn., which ended my active duty.
11. CARTEE, Joseph; Present Post Office address: Knoxville, Ala;
b Sep 1823 at Spartanburg in Spartenburg District, S.C.; first entered the
service as Private in
March 1862 at Clinton, Ala in Co B 36 Ala Regt and continued until Feb.
1864,when was discharged at Dalton, Ga. Re-enlisted as Private in latter
part of 1864.
12. CLARK, Joseph Pickens; Present Post Office address: Eutaw,
Ala; b 29 Jan 1836 at Cahaba in Dallas County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private in 1861 at Lynchburg, Va. in Co B 11 Ala Regt and
continued until Aug 1862 when vas discharged from loss of hand. Served
as 1st Lieut Home Guards for short time 1864-5.
13. COBB, Thomas W.; Present Post Office address: Union, Ala; b
12 Jun 1844 at Union in Greene County, Ala; first entered the service as
Private on l0 Jun 1862 at Mobile, Ala in Co C 43 Ala Regt and continued
until latter part of 1864, when was discharged on account of
disabilities. Re-enlisted as Private in Jan 1865 at Baldwin, Miss in Co
B 7 Ala Regt and continued until surrender in 1865, paroled at Columbus,
14. COCKRELL, John W.; Present Post Office address: Eutaw, Ala; b
25 Oct 1839 at Springfield in Greene County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private in Apr 1862 and did some detail service for about two
mos. Re-enlisted as Private in July 1862 at Clinton, Ala in Co B 36 Ala
Regt and continued until one year in active service, was transferred to
Commissary Dept and continued in said Dept until the close of war in Apr
15. COLE, George Harrison; Present Post Office address: Eutaw,
Ala; b 9 Apr 1842 at Burtons Hill in Greene County, Ala; first entered
the service as Sergeant on 1 Aug 1861 at Demopolis, Ala in Co A after Co
E Davis Legion and continued until close of war in Apr 1865.
16. COLEMAN, Thomas Wilkes; Present Post Office address: Eutaw,
Ala; b 31 Mar 1833 near Eutaw in Greene County, Ala; first entered the
service as Captain in fall 1861 at Choctaw Co., Ala in Co F 40 Ala Regt
and continued until close of war, discharged from service. Was a member
of Greensboro Guards State Co, vas ordered to Ft. Morgan by the Governor
in Dec 186? and did service, was severely Wounded in Battle of
Missionary Ridge. Have already sent some papers to Dept of Archives,
Montgomery, Ala.
17. COLEMAN, James Cobb; Present Post Office address: Eutaw, Ala;
b 10 Sep 1846 near Clinton in Greene County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private on 3 Mar 1861 at Clinton, Ala in Co B 36 Ala Regt and
continued until transferred to 40 Ala Regt and was captured at Vicksburg,
Miss, was exchanged and did service until surrender of Gen Joseph E.
Johnston at Saulsberry, N.C.
18. COLEMAN, Wiley J.; Present Post Office address: Union, Ala; b
30 Sep 1832 at Union in Greene County, Ala; first entered the service as
Private on 16 Jun 1861 at Clinton, Ala in Co C i1 Ala Regt and continued
until Apr 1865, when discharged by parole.
19. CRAWFORD, John Edward; Present Post Office address: Union,
Ala; b 18 Sep 1831 at
Union in Greene County, Ala; first entered the service as Private on 15
May 1862 at Clinton, Ala in Co C 43 Ala Regt and continued until 9 Apr
1865 was present when Gen Lee surrendered at Appomattox C.H., Va and was
paroled there.
20. CROCKER, William O.; Present Post Office address: Knoxville,
Ala; b 29 Apr 1825 at Spartanburg Dist, S.C.; first entered the service
as Private in Sept 1863 in Fla. in Co B 7 Ala Regt and continued until
Apr 1865, was discharged by parole at Gainesville, Ala .
21. CROOKS, Francis Marion; Present Post Office address; Pleasant
Ridge, Ala; b 15 Dec 1833 at Lawrence Dist, S.C.; first entered the
service as Private in Apr 1861 at Gainesville, Ala in Co A 5 Ala Regt
and continued until close of war, was discharged by parole at Appomattox
C.H., Va. 9 Apr 1865.
22. CROSS, James Flem; Present Post Office address: Eutaw, Ala; b
12 Mar 1830 at Mt.
Pleasant in Murray County, Tenn.; first entered the service as 1st Lieut
in Jun 1861 at Richmond, Va. in Co C 11 Ala Regt Wilcox Brigade and
continued until too young in Va. Army, was transferred to Gen Forrest
Brigade and served in said Brigade until close of war in Apr 1865 and
was discharged by parole at Gainesville, Ala in May 1865.
23. DAVID, Ephraim Charles; Present Post Office address: Tishabee,
Ala; b 26 Mar 1844 at Bennettsville in Marlboro Dist, S.C.; first
entered the service as Private on 13 Apr 1861 at Charleston, S.C. in
Marlboro Guards Co G 8 S.C. Regt and continued until captured 13 Sep
1864 at Winchester, Va., was sent to Camp Chase Prison, Ohio and was
discharged from said prison 12 Jul 1865.
24. DUNCAN, Oscar; Present Post Office address: Pleasant Ridge,
Ala ; b 19 Aug 1845 at Mt. Hebron in Greene County, Ala; first entered
the service as Private on 16 Jun 1861 at Clinton, Ala in Co C 11 Ala
Regt and continued until 9 Apr 1865 and was discharged by parole at
Appomattox C. H., Va. Indexed as James Oscar Duncan on Alabama
Department of Archives and History
25. DUNCAN, Augustus Meek, M.D.; Present Post Office address:
Pleasant Ridge, Ala; b 27 Jan 1847 at West Greene in Greene County, Ala;
first entered the service as Corporal in Dec 1863 at
Columbus, Mississippi Co A 16 Conf Cav. and continued until close of war
and was paroled at Gainesville, Ala 5 May 1865.
26. EATMAN, Curtis
I.; Present Post Office address: Mantua, Ala;
b 18 Oct 1845 at Mantua in Pickens County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private in Jul 1863 at Newbern, Ala in Co C 11th Ala Regiment and
continued until close of war and was discharged by parole at Gainesville,
Ala in May 1865.
27. EDWARDS, Foster C.; Present Post Office address: Eutaw, Ala;
b 4 Jul 1845 at Springfield in Greene County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private on 1 Jun 1863 at Eutaw, Ala in Co B 7 Ala Regt and
continued until the close of war and was discharged by parole 9 Jun
28. ELLIS, John; Present Post Office address: Clinton, Ala; b 25
Dec 1826 in Kingdom of Ireland; first entered the service as Private in
Mar 1862 at Eutaw, Ala in Co C 2 Ala Regt and continued until close of
war and was discharged by parole at Gainesville, Ala in Apr 1865.
29. FLANAGAN, James A.; Present Post Office address: Pleasant
Ridge, Ala; b 21 Dec 1843 at Pontotoc in Pontotoc County, Miss; first
entered the service as Private on 12 Sept 1861 at Clinton, Ala in Co E
20 Ala Regt and continued until May 1865 when surrendered at Meridian,
Miss and was discharged by parole.
30. GLOVER, Alfred Y.; Present Post Office address: Forkland,
Ala; b 10 Jan 1835 at Mobile in Mobile County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private on 11 Apr 1862 at Demopolis, Ala in Co A 43 Ala Regt
and continued until 9 Apr 1865 when captured.
31. HAFNER, William G.; Present Post Office address: Forkland,
Ala; b 17 Dec 1842 at Camden in Kershaw Dist, S.C.; first entered the
service as Private on 15 Aug 1861 at Greensboro, Ala in Co D 5 Ala Regt
and continued until the close of war in Apr 1865.
32. HALES, Viceroy B.; Present Post Office address: Clinton, Ala;
b 12 Dec 1841 at West Greene in Greene County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private in Dec 1862 at Tuscaloosa, Ala in Fowlers Artillery
and continued until close of war and was discharged by parole at
Meridian, Miss l0 May 1865.
33. HAMMETT, Henry C.; Present Post Office address: Boligee, Ala;
b 5 Aug 1843 at Spartanburg in Spartanburg Dist. S.C.; first entered the
service as Private on 6 May 1861 at Manassas, Va. in Co E 2 S.C. Regt
and continued until 26 Apr 1865 when discharged by parole at Greensboro,
N.C. [Pension application filed by Mrs. M. A. Hammett, widow. Age 59
years, P.O. Boligee, Alabama]
34. HARDY, William S; Present Post Office address: West
Greene, Ala; b 27 Oct 1829 at Union in Union Dist, S.C.; first entered
the service as Private in Oct/ Nov 1862 at Vicksburg, Miss in Co E 42
Ala Regt and continued until Jun 1863 when severely wounded and was
granted a furlough until 1864. Re-enlisted as Private latter part 1864
at Dalton, Ga., but was on medical examination, decided unfit for active
field service and was assigned light detail and office service under Dr.
King and Dr. Persely until close of the war, was paroled at Meridian,
Miss in May 1865.
35. HARRISON, George W.; Present Post Office address: Mt. Hebron,
Ala; b 6 Jul 1837 at Clinton in Greene County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private in latter part 1862 at Mobile, Ala in Co B 36 Ala
Regt and continued until 23 Nov 1863 when captured in engagement at
Missionary Ridge and sent to Federal Prison and kept there until close
of war in Apr 1865.
36. HENDERSON, Edmond W.; Present Post Office address: Knoxville,
Ala; b 28 Apr 1839 at Knoxville in Greene County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private on 17 Mar 1862 at Clinton, Ala in Co B 36 Ala Regt
and continued until 30 Mar 1864 at Dalton, Ga. when discharged on account
of failing health. Re-enlisted as Private in 15 Jan 1865 at Mobile, Ala
in Co C 36 Ala Regt and continued until surrender and was paroled at
Meridian, Miss l0 May 1865.
37. HOLCROFT, John W.; Present Post Office address: Forkland,
Ala; b 22 Oct 1836 at Forkland in Greene County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private in Apr 1861 at Shukalak, Miss in 1 Batt Curry's
Dragoons and continued until Jun 1861. Re-enlisted as Private in Jun
1862 at Pollard, Ala in Co C 2 Ala Regt and continued until discharged
by parole at Forsyth, Ga.
38. HOLLY, Frederick Nathaniel; Present Post Office address:
Eutaw, Ala; b 1844 at Franklin in Herd County, Ga.; first entered the
service as Private in Spring 1862 at Clinton, Ala in Co B 36 Ala Regt
and continued until surrender and was discharged by parole at Meridian, Miss. in May 1865.
39. HOWARD, Allen W.; Present Post Office address: Eutaw, Ala; b
12 Jul 1841 at Hickman in Tuscaloosa County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private on 1 Jun 1861 at Foster, Ala in Co E 18 Ala Regt and
continued until captured in engagement at Missionary Ridge 23 Nov 1863
and sent to Rock Island Federal Prison and kept until close of war and
was paroled at Vicksburg, Miss in Jun 1865.
40. JETER, Ira F.; Present Post Office address: Forkland, Ala; b
8 Jul 1832 at Port Royal in Caroline County, Va.; first entered the
service as Private on 9 Apr 1862 at Eutaw, Ala in Co A Vol. and continued
until expiration of 90 days service and was discharged at Mobile, Ala.
Re-enlisted as Private in Jun 1862 at Mobile, Ala in Co K 40 Ala Regt
and continued until captured and sent to Rock Island Federal Prison and
kept until close of war, discharged by parole.
41. JONES, John L.; Present Post Office address: Pleasant Ridge,
Ala; b 12 Apr 1833 at Wytheville in Wythe County, Va.; first entered the
service as Private in Jun 1861 at Clinton, Ala in Co C 11 Ala Regt and
continued until discharged in latter part 1861, re-enlisted as Private
on 1 Sept 1862 at Gainesville, Ala in Co B 36 Ala Regt and continued
until close of war in Apr 1865 when discharged by parole at Meridian,
Miss in May 1865.
42. JONES, Thomas K.; Present Post Office address: Pleasant
Ridge, Ala; b 23 Mar 1845 at Dekalb in Kemper County, Miss; first
entered the service as Private in Jun 1863 at Selma, Ala in Ruckers
Escort 7 Ala Forest Cav and continued until close of war when discharged
by parole at Gainesville, Ala in May 1865.
43. JONES, Josiah J.; Present Post Office address: Snoddy, Ala; b
12 Sep 1836 at Eutaw in Greene County, Ala; first entered the service as
Private on 17 Jun 1861 at Clinton, Ala in Co C ll Ala Regt and continued
until surrender of Gen Lee at Appomattox C. H., Va. 9 Apr 1865 when
discharged by parole.
44. JONES, George A.; Present Post Office address: Knoxville,
Ala; b 14 Oct 1834 at Coffeeville in ? County, Miss; first entered the
service as Private in spring 1861 at Coffeeville, Miss in Co H 15 Miss
Regt and continued until close of war when discharged by parole at
Gainesville, Ala in May 1865.
45. KING, Berry Simpson; Present Post Office address: Pleasant
Ridge, Ala; b 14 Feb 1840 at Pleasant Ridge in Greene County, Ala; first
entered the service as Private in Jan 1862 at Floyd, La in Co A 2nd La & 2nd
Ark Regiments and continued until 1863 when transferred to Co B 36 Ala Regiment
and served until the close of the war and was discharged at Mobile, Ala in Apr
46. LAVENDER, Louis A.;
Present Post Office address: Mantua, Ala; b 11 Dec 1838 at Mantua in
Pickens County, Ala; first entered the service as Jr. 2nd Lt. in Jun
1861 at Bridgeville, Ala in Co C 24 Ala Regt and continued until 26 Apr
1865 when discharged by parole at Millsboro, N.C. [Name of Pensioner:
Louis A. Lavender. Witnesses: Thos. W. Cobb, Ashley D. Tuck.
47. LAVENDER, Joseph M.; Present Post Office address: Mantua,
Ala; b 15 May 1845 at Mantua in Pickens County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private in Jun 1861 at Bridgeville, Ala in Co C 24 Ala Regt
and continued until 16 Apr 1865, when discharged by parole in N.C.
48. LATHAM, Daniel F.; Present Post Office address: Forkland,
Ala; b 17 Nov 1836 at Forkland in Greene County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private in July 1861 at Livingston, Ala in Co D Jeff Davis
Legion and continued until summer 1863, when captured in Va. and sent to
Ft. Delaware Federal Prison and kept until close of war in Apr 1865 when
released and discharged by parole.
49. LEIGH, James P.; Present Post Office address: Forkland, Ala;
b 31 Aug 1838 at Forkland in Greene County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private on l0 May 1861 at Eutaw, Ala in Co B ll Ala Regt and
continued until surrender of Gen Lee 9 Apr 1865, when paroled.
50. MAYES, William Curtis; Present Post Office address: West
Greene, Ala; b 13 Apr 1847 at Perryville in Perry County, Ala; first
entered the service as Private on 11 Dec 1861 at Camp Moon, La in Co F
19 La Regt and continued until 1 Nov 1862 when discharged at Pollard,
Ala; re-enlisted as 2nd Sergeant on 22 Dec 1863 at Selma, Ala in Co D 62
Ala Regt and continued until ll May 1865 when paroled at Meridian, Miss
as prisoner of war by Gen E.R.S. Caneby Commanding M.S. Post at said J
51. MEREDITH, Edward Clopton; Present Post Office address:
Eutaw, Ala; b 19 Jul 1846 at Gainesville in Sumter County, Ala; first
entered the service as Private in April 1864 at Gainesville, Ala in CO F
62 Ala Regt and continued until captured 14 Apr 1865 at Blakely, Ala and
paroled at Vicksburg, Miss. about i May 1865.
52. MOBLEY, Edward B.; Present Post Office address: Knoxville,
Ala; b 29 Mar 1845 at Foster's in Tuscaloosa County, Ala; first entered
the service as Private on 9 Sept 1861 at Eutaw, Ala in Co E 20 Ala Regt
and continued until Apr 1865 when discharged by parole at Salsberry,
53. NORWOOD, Samuel; Present Post Office address: West Greene,
Ala; b 23 May 1840
at Hopewell in Greene County, Ala; first entered the service as Private
9 Mar 1862 at Clinton, Ala in Co C 43 Ala Regt and continued until
surrender of Gen. Lee at Appomattox C.H., Va 9 Apr 1865 and was
discharged by parole 10.
54. OLIVER, Thomas A.; Present Post Office address: Boligee, Ala;
b l0 Mar 1837 at
Dunwoodie C.H. in Dunwoodie County, Va.; first entered the service as
Private on 15 May 1862 at Montgomery, Ala in Co C 2 Ala Regt and
continued until Oct 1862 when discharged. Re-enlisted as Private in Jul
1864 at Selma, Ala in 2 Ala Reserved Regt and continued until close of
war. Paroled at Gainesville Ala in May 1865.
55. OWENS, William M.; Present Post Office address: West Greene,
Ala; b 6 Sep 1844 at Quincey in Gadsden County, Fla; first entered the
service as Private in Feb 1862 at Knox Neill, Fla. in Co K 6 Ala Regt and
continued until close of war when discharged by parole at Quincey, Fla.
in Aug 1865.
56. PARHAM, George Washington; Present Post Office address:
Knoxville, Ala; b 7 Jun 1832 at Knoxville in Greene County, Ala; first
entered the service as Private in Feb 1862 at Ft. Morgan, Ala in Co C 43
Ala Regt and continued until Jun 1862 when discharged. Re-enlisted as
Physician in Aug 1863 at Selma, Ala and continued until close of war and
paroled in May 1865.
57. PEARCE, Bryant; Present Post Office address: Union, Ala; b 4
Jan 1835 at Raleigh in Wake County, N.C.; first entered the service as
Private in Feb 1862 at Union, Ala in Co E 20 Ala Regt and continued
until close of war in Apr 1865 when discharged by parole in N.C.
58. POOLE, Thomas J.; Present Post Office address: Knoxville,
Ala; b 19 Mar 1842 at Tuscaloosa in Tuscaloosa County, Ala; first
entered the service as Private on 6 Apr 1862 at Eutaw, Ala in Co B 36th
Ala Regiment and continued until 23 Nov 1863 when captured and sent to Rock
Island Federal Prison and kept there until close of war when released
and paroled in Jun 1865.
59. PORTER, William Jasper; Present Post Office address:
Knoxville, Ala; b 12 Oct 1830 in Oglethorpe County, Ga.; first entered
the service as Corporal on 17 Mar 1862 at Clinton, Ala in Co B 36 Ala
Regt and continued until 1863. Re-enlisted as Private on 1 Feb 1864 at
Dalton, Ga in Co B 36 Ala Regt and continued until close of war and
discharged by parole at Meridian, Miss 1 May 1865.
60. REYNOLDS, Marion Andrew; Present Post Office address: Union,
Ala; b 9 Mar 1835 at Union in Greene County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private in Oct 1862 at Vicksburg, Miss in Co I? 42 Ala Regt
and continued until Gen Johnston surrendered at Greensboro, N.C. 24 Apr
1865, discharged by parole at High Point, N.C.
61. ROBUCK, William P.; Present Post Office address: Union, Ala;
b 22 Jun 1832 at Spartanburg in Spartanburg Dist, S.C.; first entered
the service as Private on 16 Jun 1861 at Eutaw, Ala in Co B ll Ala Regt
and continued until Gen Lee surrendered at Appomattox C. H., Va. 9 Apr
1865, discharged by parole.
62. SANDERS, William Henry; Present Post Office address: West
Greene, Ala; b 22 May 1843 near Anderson C. H. in Abbeville Dist, S.C.;
first entered the service as Private in Jan 1861 at Eutaw, Ala in Eutaw
Rifles and continued until went to Ft. Morgan and did service 4 or 5
weeks , when the Co disbanded. Re-enlisted as Confederate Guard in Mar
1861 at Clinton, Aim in Co C 11 Ala Regt and continued until close of
war, when surrendered under Gen Lee at Appomattox C. H., Va. 9 Apr 1865.
Did service in the Va. Army 4 years and captured the colors of the 59
N.Y. Regt in engagement defending Richmond.
63. SCHOPPERT, Robert Phillips; Present Post Office address:
Eutaw, Ala; b 29 May 1835 at Newberry in Newberry Dist, S.C.; first
entered the service as Sergeant in Feb 1861 at Eutaw, Ala in Eutaw
Rifles and continued until did six weeks service at Ft. Morgan, Ala.
Re-enlisted as Orderly Sergeant in Apr 1861 at Eutaw, Ala in Greene Co.,
Greys Co B 11 Ala Regt and continued until close of war when discharged
by parole at Gainesville, Ala in May 1865.
64. SHIRLEY, John; Present Post Office address: Knoxville, Ala; b
18 Mar 1836 in Anderson Dist, S.C.; first entered the service as Private
in Apr 1862 at Mobile, Ala in Co B 36 Ala Regt and continued until close
of war in 1865, was discharged by parole in Ga.
65. SMITH, John James Alexander, M.D.; Present Post Office
address: Union, Ala; b 17 Jul 1828 at Athens in McMim County, Tenn.;
first entered the service as Private in May 1862 at Union, Ala in Co C
43 Ala Regt and continued until transferred to Medical Service as Asst.
Surgeon. Re-enlisted as Asst. Surgeon in Jun 1863 at Knoxville, Ala in
Conscript Service and continued until close of war in 1865 when
discharged by parole.
66. SPEED, Augustus B.; Present Post Office address: Boligee,
Ala; b 1 Dec 1833 at Forkland in Greene County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private on 6 Apr 1863 at Eutaw, Ala in Co C 6 Ala Regt and
continued until surrender in 1865 at South Carolina and was paroled at
Meridian, Miss in May 1865.
67. STEELE, Sydney Pippen; Present Post Office address: Eutaw,
Ala; b 18 Oct 1828 at Eutaw in Greene County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private on 6 May 1862 at Eutaw, Ala in Co B 36 Ala Regt and
continued until 13 Sep 1862 when discharged at Dog River Factory six
miles below Mobile, Ala.
68. STEELE, John D.; Present Post Office address: Eutaw, Ala; b
10 Feb 1830 near Eutaw in Greene County, Ala; first entered the service
as Private in Feb 1862 at Tuscaloosa, Ala in Fowlers Battery and
continued until close of war in Apr 1865 and was paroled at Meridian,
Miss in May 1865.
69. STEPHENS, Andrew Washington; Present Post Office address:
Eutaw, Ala; b 26 July 1838 at Jericho in Perry County, Ala; first
entered the service as Private in March 1862 at Marion, Ala in Co H 40
Ala Regt and continued until 15 Jun 1864 when captured and remained in
Rock Island Federal Prison until June 22, 1865 when discharged by
70. STOREY, George W.; Present Post Office address: Mantua, Ala ;
b 20 May 1832 at Mantua in Pickens County, Ala; first entered the
service as Private on 29 Jun 1861 at Lynchburg, Va. in Co C 11 Ala Regt
and continued until discharged in Nov 1861 at Manassas, Va. Re-enlisted
as Private in Jun 1862 at Mantua, A la in Co C Conscript Camp and
continued until 15 Apr 1865 when discharged by parole at Talladega, Ala.
71. STOREY, William N; Present Post Office address: Mantua, Ala;
b 1 Mar 1838 at
Mantua in Pickens County, Ala; first entered the service as Private in
Jun 1861 at Bridgeville, Ala in Co C 23 Ala Regt and continued until
surrender in Apr 1865 when discharged by parole 26 Apr 1865 at
Hillsboro, N.C.
72. TARR, Frank Benjamin; Present Post Office address: Eutaw,
Ala; b 28 Jan 1836 at Lewiston in Androscoggin County, Maine; first
entered the service as Private on 17 Jun 1861 at Clinton, Ala in Co C 11
Ala Regt and continued until surrender at Appomattox C. H., Va. in Apr
73. TAYLOR, Emmett David; Present Post Office address: Eutaw,
Ala; b 19 Apr 1844 at Hamburg in Hamburg Dist, S.C.; first entered the
service as Private in spring 1862 at Clinton, Ala in Co C 43 Ala Regt
and continued until 5 Mar 1865 when captured at Petersburg, Va. and
discharged from prison 1 May 1865.
74. THOMAS, Harry B.; Present Post Office address: Eutaw, Ala;
born near Clinton in Greene County, Ala; first entered the service as
Private in Mar 1862 at Clinton, Ala in Co B 36 Ala Regt and continued
until discharged in Nov 1862. Re-enlisted as Private on 1 Aug 1863 at
Gainesville, Ala in Co H 3 Ala Regt and continued until the surrender of
Gen Johnston at Greensboro, N.C.
75. TUCK, Ashley D.; Present Post Office address: Union, Ala; b 3
Sep 1844 at Halifax C. H. in Halifax County, Va.; first entered the
service as Private in Apr 1862 at Mobile, Ala in Co E 20 Ala Regt and
continued until 8 Aug 1864 when discharged on account of disabilities.
76. WELLS, George Theodore; Present Post Office address: Jena, Ala; b 28
Jul 1832 at Kershaw in Kershaw Dist, S.C.: first entered the service as
Private on i Aug 1862
at Carrollton, Ala in Co B 42 Ala Regt and continued until 8 May 1865
when discharged at Richmond, Va.
77. WHITE, Robert Harvey; Present Post Office address: Knoxville,
Ala; b 28 Nov 1826 at Spartanburg in Spartanburg Dist, S.C.; first
entered the service as Private in July 1861 at Romulus, Ala in Co E 18
Ala Regt and continued until Jul 1862 when discharged at Okolona, Miss.
Re-enlisted as Private in Oct 1862 at Mobile, Ala in Co B 36 Ala Regt
and continued until May 1865 when discharged by parole.
78. WILLIAMS, Tus Charner; Present Post Office address: West
Greene, Ala; b 12 Sep 1842 at Pleasant Ridge in Greene County, Ala;
first entered the service as Private on 17 May 1861 at Clinton, Ala in
Co C 11 Ala Regt and continued until close of war and discharged by
parole at Appomattox C.H., Va. in Apr 1865.
79. WILSON, Cephas L.; Present Post Office address: Mt. Hebron,
Ala; b 5 Nov 1846 at Mantua in Pickens County, Ala; first entered the service as Private in
Aug 186B at Gainesville, Ala in Co A Conf Cavalry and continued until close
of war when discharged by parole at Gainesville, Ala in May 1865.