Newspapers of Greene County, Alabama
Snedecor's 1855-1856 Directory of Greene County, Alabama listed
the following newspapers:
The Alabama Whig - published weekly at Eutaw. Thos. J. Anderson,
Editor and Proprietor.
Alabama Beacon - Published weekly at Greensboro. John G. Harvey,
Editor and Publisher.
The Independent Observer - Published weekly at Eutaw. Stephen F. Nunnellee, Editor and Proprietor.

Independent Observer during the Civil War
The following newspapers can be found at the Probate Offices in
the Eutaw Court House:
Greene County Gazette - Published in Old Erie from May 1830
through May 1832
Alabama Whig - Mid-May through October 1859
Eutaw Whig and Observer - 1875 on
Eutaw Mirror - beginning in 1880
The reference library at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa has
microfilms of the following newspapers:
Alabama Whig - Beginning in the early 1850s
Eutaw Whig and Public Advisor - Intermittent dates beginning
with 1840
Eutaw Whig and Observer -
Old issues available on microfilm
at Samford University
The Greene County Patriot -
Old issues available on microfilm
at Samford University
The Greene County Independent - 106 Main Street, Eutaw, AL 35462
The Greene County Democrat - PO Box 598, Eutaw, Alabama 35462
Newspapers for Georgia and Alabama
Misc. transcribed newspaper articles
Alabama Beacon
Catherine Williams Cooper transcriptions from microfilm of the Alabama Beacon newspaper published in Greensboro.
At one time, Greensboro was part of Greene Co. but later became part of Hale Co.