Death of Grover Cartee
Obituary provided by Charlotte Patterson
On April 5, 1928, Mr. Grover Cartee, when coming from work, was thrown from his
mule and dragged a long distance, his foot catching in the harness. Death came
soon, as he suffered from a broken neck and mashed skull and his entire body was
badly bruised. His remains were laid to rest at Bethel church Friday, April 6.
The funeral services were conducted at the home by the pastor of Bethel. Mr.
Cartee was 43 years of age. He leaves a wife and six children, one brother, Mr.
Johnie Cartee, and one sister, Mrs. J. D. Heritage to mourn and feel the loss.
To the bereaved ones may God be their guide and comfort as He is our only helper
in such an hour of sorrow.
He is gone but not forgotten,
Never will his memory fade.
Sweetest thoughts will ever linger
Round the grave where he is laid.
It was sad to part with him,
So hard to see him die;
But we trust some day to meet him
in that home beyond the sky.
