John Walter Herndon Obituary
Obituary provided by Charlotte Patterson
Mr. John Walter Herndon, a prominent farmer of Knoxville, Alabama, died March
2nd in Tuscaloosa, where he had gone for medical aid, having been in bad health
for several months. Mr. Herndon spent his entire adult life in this community,
moving here when he married Miss Georgia Roxana Parham, in 1893. Of this union,
there were born two sons, both of whom died in infancy.
He was born March 30, 1873, near Union and united with the Christian Church of
that community at the age of ten years. He was still a member at the time of his
death. Dr. R. E. Fulton of Eutaw conducted the funeral service in that same
church, with interment in the adjoining cemetery.
Beside his wife, he is survived by one sister, Mrs. Mollie May of Knoxville, and
four brothers, E. F. Herndon of Cottondale, A. C. Herndon of Union, C. D.
Herndon of Knoxville, and E. D. Herndon of Coker, Alabama.
His date of death isn't listed, but he was buried in the Union
Christian Church cemetery. His tombstone says he died March 2, 1933.