Daniel Eugene Taylor Obituary
Obituary provided by Charlotte Patterson
On Saturday afternoon at six o’clock, November 9, 1940, the angel of death
visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Taylor and claimed their only precious
child, Daniel Eugene and bore his soul away to Heaven.
Dan was born March 2, 1936, at druid City Hospital, Tuscaloosa, Alabama. At the
time of his death, was four years, eight months and seven days old. He was
christened, which dedicated his life to God and at the age of seven months.
We cannot understand why he was taken at such a tender age, yet we know that God
works in a mysterious way His wonders to perform, and though it breaks our
hearts, we shall bow humbly to His will. Dan had always been in perfect health
until February of this year when he was stricken with tumors of cancerous
formation in his sinuses. E-ray treatments drove these out of his head, but they
came back in his abdomen, forming an active cancer, causing his death. All that
mortal hands could do could not save him. He bore his suffering bravely, never
complaining, never crying and even at his tender age, loved to attend Sunday
School and church.
Dan was sweet tempered and a lovable child, always ready to divide whatever he
had with other children and people.
His body was laid to rest beneath a mound of beautiful flowers in Pleasant Hill
Cemetery, Nov. 11, at 12 o’clock noon. Rev. H. E. Davidson conducting his
funeral and Stabler of Aliceville in charge.
Active pallbearers were, Messers. Homer Carpenter, Ormand Williams, Joe
Leavelle, Walter Jacobs Jr., Rhodes Taylor and Otis Earl Jacobs. Little Buddie
Gandy and Cornelius Gandy followed the honorary pallbearers, who were Messr.
Walter Jacobs, Sr., Sam Richardson, Howard Reynolds, Charles Henderson, Robert
Carpenter and Walter Hamilton.
You are gone, but not forgotten, our darling one and we shall ever miss you. We
cannot bring you back to this earth, but some day we shall come to you, and
clasp you in our arms again, forever in a world far better than this. We know
that you are just another jewel in Heaven.
May your loved ones rest in comfort,
And wait the Master’s call,
‘Tis better to love and lose
Than never to love at all.