Alford edward jones 1827-1915
C. L. Schmenk - 2007

Picture taken after Nov. 1886 Alford Edward and
Kitty Colvin Jones
Thank YOU! Ed. Jones of Mississippi for this picture!
I have seen my third great grandfather's name spelled Alferd, Alfred and Alford.
1827 Alfred/Alford was born November 9, 1827 in Leasburg, Franklin County, North Carolina to Edmund J. Jones and his wife Mildred (Milley) Murphey Jones.
1850 Alfred shows up in Greene County, Alabama on
the 1850 census, page 353A line #41, with his father, mother and
some siblings. (See separate article about Edmund J. Jones.)
1852 In November Alfred married the widow Mrs.
Harriet Strickland, maiden name Baines. Harriet was born about 1834
the daughter of Elizabeth Baines (a landowner on the 1856 and 1858
Snedecor maps.) We like Redmond Baines as Harriet’s father, but
have zero proof. Harriet names a son George Redmond, and there are origingal land patents for
Redmond Baines in Greene County.
Harriet married Sampson Strickland in January and was
widowed and remarried to Alfred all before Christmas of 1852. She is
the only wife with which Alfred had children. Census entries for Harriet are: 1850 Greene County with her
mother and sisters, age 17; 1860 in Arkansas with Aflred, age 25;
1870 Greene County age 37.
1853 First child, John A. Jones is born. (See separate article on John A. Jones 1853-1917)
1855 Snedecor’s 1855 Greene County Directory
shows Alfred as a planter (page 25). I cannot find Alfred on any
land in Greene County on the Snedecor 1856 or 1858 maps. His father
is in T23, R1W, S9.
1856 Alfred is mentioned in his father’s will
(Edmund J. Jones) probated March 15, 1856 and states “all living
in Greene County” for his wife Milley and children.(See
separate article about Edmund J. Jones whose will is included in
that article.)s were born: Elizabeth 1855and Cornelia 1857 in Greene County, before Alfred made his
way to Jefferson County, Arkansas and is found on the 1860 census in that state.
After March 1856 Aftred, his wife and children, his
brothers John A. Jones and Leonard Ellis Jones, along with Leonard’s
family, moved to Jefferson County, Arkansas. (See separate article
on Leonard Jones and son John Thomas Jones whose tombstone in
Pleasant Hill Cemetery is incorrect.)
1860 Census for Jefferson County, Arkansas, Baraque Township.
1861 April of 1861 George Redmond Jones was born.
He is the only child to list his birth state as Arkansas.
1862 James Webster Jones (James Washington Jones on his marriage certificate in
the Greene County courthouse to Susmira Crump) (Jim) is born in June
in Greene County, Alabama. It is around this time that we believe
Alfred, Leonard and their brother John A. Jones left to join the
Civil War.
1863 Alfred served the Confederate States of America during the Civil War in the Alabama 7th Calvary Regiment, Company B until the end of the war in 1865. Alfred and his brother Leonard returned to Greene County, but we have found no other records of their brother John A. Jones after the Civil War. I have confirmed that this John A. Jones is not the one who married Martha Mitchell and settled in Greensboro which later became a part of Hale County. Martha, John and some of their children are buried in Hale County at the Mount Hermon Cemetery - which is still very active today.
Civil War Records for Alfred Edward Jones: (blank fields have been omitted):
Last Name: Jones , First Name: Alfred MI: E
Branch: Cavalry, Regimental Unit: 7th Alabama
Regiment, Company Unit: B
Authority: Compiled roll by Jesse Hamilton, Montgomery, Alabama, filed 1910/07/05.
Remarks: Rank: Private. (Jesse Hamilton, Montgomery,
Alabama, states that he does not remember Private Alfred E. Jones)
Last Name: Jones, First Name: Alfred
MI: Edward
Enlistment Date: 1863/07/00, Enlistment Information: Alabama,
Discharge Date: 1865/00/00
Regimental Unit: 7th Alabama Regiment, Company Unit: B
Authority: Personal Statement, Census, Tax Assessor,
Pickens County, 1907.
Remarks: Rank: Private. Served until the close of the war.
1866 December 12,Alfred and Harriet’s son William Murphy Jasper Jones is
born in Greene County, AL.
1870 Greene
County, Alabama census shows Alfred age 44, living close to his
brother Leonard. In January Harriet Veronica (Hattie) is born in
Greene County.
1872February 20th Sally F. Jones is born and Harriet
dies (see separate article on James C. Gilmer, Sr., Sally’s
husband and family).
December 17th 1872 Alfred married Mrs. Jane Hurst, born Margaret Jane Jones, the daughter of Marshall Spears Jones and Elizabeth Hill his wife(daughter of John Hill of St. Clair County, AL.) Not only was Jane the step-mother to Alfred’s children John and James, she was mother-in-law of Alfred and Harriet’s sons John A. Jones, and James W. Jones. Jane’s daughter Ellen Crump married John and her daughter Susmira Crump married James Jones. (See separate article on Jane Jones who married Richard D. Crump, died in the Civil War; and subsequently married Billington Sanders Hurst who died around 1870.)
We have not been able to link Alfred and Jane as cousins or distant
cousins, but we have found lots of back-and-forth business between Jonses in
St. Clair County and those in Greene County, up to and including my grandparents who married in St. Clair
County. John’s daughter Ella Jane Jones of Greene County married Enoch Ross Crump, of St.
Clair County. Jane and Richard D. Crump’s son George F. Crump
married Nancy M. Hamilton in Greene County, only to sell off their
inheritances and move to St. Clair County where they lived and are buried at the Steele City Cemetery in St.
Clair County. For Jane's children they are returning to their roots in St. Clair County, where their Crump and Jones cousins live.
1880 Greene County census shows Alfred’s age as 51 and
occupation as Farmer. Between 1880 and 1903 Alfred and his family
moved from Greene County to Reform in Pickens County, where you will
find him on the 1910 census. His brother Leonard also moved to Pickens
County at about the same time. (See separate article about Leonard and his son John Thomas Jones.)
Alred's son John A. Jones remained in Greene County and is buried at Pleasant Hill with first wife Ellen.
1886In Pickens County on November 06, 1886 Alfred married
“Molly Colvin” (Mary V. Colvin, nicknamed “Kitty.”) The
service was performed by a Justice of the Peace, J. R. Brandon.
Carole Phillips, a resident of Knoxville in Greene County March 2007,
gave me a copy of a picture of Alfred, Kitty, her parents, Leonard
and his wife Mary, along with some of their kids, at church in the
late 1800’s. Carol descends from George Redmond Jones one of
Alfred’s sons. THANK YOU CAROLE!
1915 Alfred died in Pickens County June 01, 1915 according to his
tombstone. He is buried alone at Bethel Cemetery just north of
Carrollton. His original tombstone was supplemented with a new CSA
stone that was placed in front of the old stone and is inscribed
with the CSA emblem and information. We did not see any of his wives' graves in 2003 and we know
his third wife, Kitty Colvin, is buried with her parents at Unity
Cemetery. The cemetery is out in the open and very well-kept.
Alfred’s death certificate states that he lived in Reform, Pickens Co,
Alabama for 12 years prior to his death. This may or may not be
true, since his death certificate was filled out a full month after
he died and has numerous errors and omissions on it. We know that
two of his brothers served CSA: Leonard is buried at Salem Cemetery, Gordo, in Pickens County and his CSA
information is on his stone, and John A. Jones - but we have not
found his burial location.

1925 Molly/Kitty Colvin died September 20, 1925 and was buried at Unity Cemetery with her parents, in Pickens County. Kitty Colvin was the daughter of J. B. and Sarah Jane Colvin.
She was born April 11, 1848 in Pickens County, Alabama, and died
“at the home of her brother J. B. Colvin.” Kitty Colvin is shown as the mother of John A. Jones on John’s death
certificate, however Kitty never had children of her own. Her death
certificate shows her mother as Sarah Jane Colvin and father as
If Alfred Edward Jones had a will we could not locate it at the Greene
or Pickens county courthouses. Although the Pickens County Courthouse burned to the ground three times: 1865
by the Union army, 1876 and 1897, that still left time for Alfred to leave a will before his
death 1915.
MORE ABOUT HARRIET BAINES STRICKLAND JONES (see also separate article on Elizabeth Baines)
Sampson STRICKLAND, born about 1800 died 1852 shortly after marrying Harriet.
The Strickland family lived next door to Elizabeth Baines and her four
daughters per the 1850 Greene County census: house #933 family #933
line 4 Strickland Sampson 53 Male Farmer 120 born in NC
line 5 Strickland Clary 52 Female born in NC
line 6 Strickland Samuel 10 Male born in AL
line 7 Strickland Elizabeth 18 Female born in AL
Greene County Marriages:
STRICKLAND, Sampson to TAYLOR, Clary Oct 30 1828
STRICKLAND, S. to BANES, H. Jan 08 1852 (Copy of marriage
certificate on file. Shown as S. Strickland to H. Banes, Book C,
Marriage Records, Greene Co., AL) Harriet married Alfred in November
as MRS. Harriet Strickland.
You can read an article about Alfred E. Jones in the Greene County
Heritage, page 144, by Mattie Columbus-Jones Lowe,
great-granddaughter of Alfred Edward Jones. She descends from
William Murphy Jasper Jones, another son of Alfred, born in Greene
County December 12, 1866 and died in Pickens County, Alabama July 16, 1930. He
was the husband of Mary Melissa Hollingsworth (12/18/1869 - 10/25/1915), and they were
parents of seven children.
While in Greene County March 2007 we met with a great granddaughter of
George Redmond Jones, son of Alfred and Harriet. This distant cousin
told us that family rumor was Alfred kept to himself and did not socialize with family. However, he was
known to be a “man about town.”
January 4, 1851 Greene County page 353, house/family: 1707/1707
Edmund Jones age 67 male Farmer worth $320 NC
Mildred Jones age 65 female NC
Ellen Jones age 20 female NC
Alford Jones age 21 male NC Farmer
Rebecca Jones age 16 female NC
Lenard Jones age 13 male NC
Sept. 14, 1860 page 31, house/family: 206/206
Leonard Jones age 22 male Farmer $150 born NC
Mary Jones age 28 female born AL
Joseph Jones age 3 male born AL
Thomas Jones male age 1 born AL
house/family 207/207
John A. Jones age 38 male overseer $170 born NC
house/family 208/208
Alfred Jones age 33 male Farmer $3200 born NC
Harriet Jones age 25 female born AL
John Jones age 7 male born AL
Elizabeth Jones age 5 female born AL
Cornelia Jones age 3/12 female born AL
George Jones 3/12 male born ARKANSAS
June 29, 1870, Greene County, CLINTON, page 653, house/family: 3/3
E. Banes 66 female Farming $1000 born NC (mother of Harriet
Jones & Mary Jones)
C age 32 female at home born AL
F age 42 female at home born AL
HOLT, W. F. age 23 male School Teacher born AL
4/4 A. E. Jones age 44 male farming $500 NC
Harriet age 27 Female keeping house born AL
John age 17 male at school born AL
George age 10 male at school born AL
James age 8 male at school born AL
William age 4 male born AL
Harriet age 6/12 born in December
6/6 L. E. Jones age 32 male Farmer $1000 born NC
Mary age 40 female keeping house born AL
Joseph age 12 male labor on farm born AL
Thomas age 11 male born AL
M. F. age 8 female born AL
E. E. age 5 female born AL
Samuel age 1 male born AL
(near Charity Williams JONES, wife of Woodson)
June 5, 1880, Greene County, Pleasant Ridge page 6, house/family: 57/57
Alf E. male age 51 born farmer NC NC NC
Jane female wife age 46 born at home AL SC SC
George male son age 21 farmer AL NC AL
James male son age 18 farmer AL NC AL
William male son age 14 at school AL NC AL
Harriet female daughter age 11 at school AL NC AL
Sallie female daughter age 7 at school AL NC AL
CRUMP, George male son age 24 farmer AL AL AL
CRUMP, Susmira female daughter age 20 at home AL AL AL
June 13, 1900 Pickens County, Raleigh, sheet 7, house/family: 109/109
Alfred A. Jones(Albert on Nov. 1822 age 77 married 15 years NC NC NC
Mary V. wife female Feb. 1854 age 46 married 15 years mother
of ZERO with ZERO living AL AL AL
house/family: 113/113 George Jones 1860 age 40 married 16 years ARK NC mother born unknown
Kattie wife female Oct. 1863 age 36 married 16 years mother of 9 with 9 living AL ARK AL
Nancy M. dau. Jan. 1885 age 15 AL ARK AL
Veronia L. dau. Oct. 1886 age 13 AL ARK AL
Neadam M. son Mar 1887 12 AL ARK AL
George E. son June 1890 age 9 AL ARK AL
Sarah V. dau. Feb. 1893 age 8 AL ARK AL
James C. son June 1896 age 4 AL ARK AL
Bertha B. dau. Dec. 1897 age 2 AL ARK AL
Willie M. dau. Feb. 1900 3/12 AL ARK AL
Mary A. Colman mother female Jan. 1920 age 80 widow mother
of 15 with 8 living SC SC SC
April 15, 1910 Pickens County, Gordo, Second Avenue, sheet 3
Alfred E. Jones age 82 m:3 23 years NC NC NC
Mary P. wife age 62 M:1 23 years AL AL AL
Next door: Jones, Adam D. head age 65 m:2 married 18 years AL SC TN
Martha S. wife age 60 m:1 married 18 years SC SC SC
One street over: Columbus Street
Jones, Leonard E. head age 74 m:4 married 7 years NC NC NC
Julia wife age 59 m:1 married 7 years AL SC AL
April 15, 1910 CLINTON, Greene County at North and East Eutaw and Pleasant Ridge
on Neighborhood Road (John, son of Alfred and Harriet)
John Jones age 56 M:2 married 15 years AL AL AL (married
first: Selecia Ellen Crump)
Kate Jones age 66 M:2 married 15 years AL AL AL (married
first: Madison M. Eatman, her first cousin.)
Newton C. son age 20 single (Christopher Newton Jones)
Gilmer, Gelina Velma niece age 13 (see James C. Gilmer, Sr.,
and Sally F. Jones his wife, article)
Gilmer, Bessie neice age 11
Gilmer, Sallie neice age 9
Gilmer, James nephew age 6
Married Richard D. Crump January 20, 1855 in St. Clair Co., Alabama, died in the Civil War CSA
Married Billington Sanders Hurst November 15, 1866, Jefferson Co., AL (UNION! His sons were CSA!)
Married Alfred E. Jones 1872
Jane died before 1886 (which is when Alfred married Kitty Colvin.)
We have not found her burial location in Pickens, Greene, or St. Clair Counties, AL.