Confederate Veteran Pension Records
Greene County Soldiers Living in Pickens County Alabama
From Pickens County, Alabama Court House, Pension Record Confederate
1907 (spine below). Click on the soldier's name to view the original
image in a new window.

5. Baines, John
Parker; Present Post Office address: Loc RFD;
b 22 Oct 1837 at
near Eutaw, Greene County, Alabama; first entered the service as
Private in 7 Sep 86? at Eutaw Alabama, Co. E 20th Regiment and continued
until the 26th of April 1865. Paroled at Salsberry, North Carolina.
Reenlisted as a Private for during war on date and place forgotten. Was
with Col. E. E. Pettio.
21. Brandon,
Simpson Shellain; Present Post Office address: Carrollton, Ala; b 25
Oct 1845 near Eutaw, Greene County, Alabama; first entered the
service as Private in Feb 1864 at Orange Court House, Va. in the Co. H
11th Alabama and continued until surrender at Appottomax.
32. Colvin, Andrew
Jackson; Present Post Office address: Mayfield, Alabama; born on ___
at Union, Greene County, Alabama; first entered service on 16 March 1861
at Enterprise, Mississippi in Co. I, 5th Miss. and continued until
discharged April 6 at Greensborough, NC.
33. Colvin, John
Binum; Present Post Office address: Olney, Alabama; born 11 Feb 1846
at Olney in the County of Pickens; first entered service as a Private on
Sept. 1862 at Demopolis in Co. D 8th Confederate and continued until
paroled at surrender.
34. Cockrell,
James Monroe; Present Post Office address: Reform, Alabama; born 3
May 1836 in the County of Pickens in the State of Alabama; first entered
service as a private on 10 Oct 1863 at Pickensville in Co. I and
continued until surrender.
Alfred Edward; Present Post Office address: Gordo, Pickens County,
Alabama; born at Leesburg in the County of Franklin in the State of
North Carolina; first entered service as a Private in July 1865 at
Newbern, Alabama in Co. B, 7th Ala and continued until close of war.
Lenard Ellis; Present Post Office address: Gordo, Al; was born June
1838 at NC; first entered service as Private on 8 April 186? at Mobile,
Alabama in Co. C 43rd Ala and continued until surrendered by Lee.