Frank L. Eatman Obituary
Obituary provided by Charlotte Patterson
Mr. Frank L. Eatman died at his home near Akron last Friday, aged 57. The
remains were brought to Eutaw and interred in Oak Hill Cemetery Saturday morning
at 11 o’clock. Mr. Eatman was a native of Greene County, from near Clinton. He
lived in Eutaw as a young man. He made Memphis and Birmingham his headquarters
for many years and had lived in Akron only a comparatively short time.
He is survived by his wife, who was Miss Fannie Schoppert, and one son Frank L.
Jr., and two brothers, P. J. Eatman of Jacksonville, and R. W. Eatman of
This obituary appeared below the obituary for
Herndon, John Walter, so the date was around March 1933.