Boligee Hill or "Myrtle Hall"


Boligee Topics

First Settlers

Plantations & Landmarks

Snedecor's Directory

Voter Precincts


1. Havana

2. New Prospect

3. Five Mile

4. Greensboro

5. Newbern

6. Hollow Square

7. German Creek

8. Forkland

9. Garret's Shop

10. Eutaw

11. Springfield

12. Knoxville

13. Union

14. Pleasant Ridge

15. Mount Hebron

16. Clinton

17. Boligee



Col. John McKee (1771-1833) Indian Agent, frontier Statesman and local Congressman, built the first house in Boligee, Hill of Howth, in 1816. In 1825, Col. George Hays encouraged settlers from Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina to join a new planters’ culture in this new township. The Bethsalem Presbyterian Church was built on land donated by Col. Hays in 1835. The church cemetery is the resting place of many County notables, including Col. McKee and Revolutionary War Soldier, Mordecai, Barbour of Virginia. The Friendship Baptist Church came to Boligee from the Forkland Burton Plantation. St. Mark’s Episcopal Church was also moved in 1880.


Historical Maps of Greene County - ADAH